Daily pumping session...
As promised, here i shared my other daily routine.
1. Prepared the cooler bag together with 4 empty bottle and chiller. I brought 2 chiller to office, one I put in the cooler bag, it means after each pumping session, i just put the shield into the cooler bag without need to wash it. the other one is in the freezer, when i go back, i will change the chiller with. chiller yang first dlm cooler bag td tue, letak lak dlm freeze. next day, rotate again. Mcm nie safe, sebab kalo on the way balik, nk pergi mana2 pn sempat sebab chiller yg baru tue dh semlman dlm freeze, tahan lama..

2. What I need is my Unimom allegro electric pump and 2 clean bottle. this unimom, i bought at enjoybreastfeed.com. they're always on sale, but make sure to register first.
3. Nie hasilyer, but pls make sure you all the letak susu tue full sebab nanti xd ruang nk goyang2 kalo susu tue dh separate lemak ngn air. Fresh ebm nie boleh letak either dlm fridge atau kt dlm cooler bag jer. kalo nk lagi fresh, put into the fridge.
4. Come back from office, i need to wash the dirty bottle and rearrange 4 bottle for tomorrow. maknaye, kena ada 8 botol min...4 bottle utk pump dan 4 botol untuk bg pd pengasuh. sesetengah org guna bekas dadih atau bekas air (tupperware) utk simpan susu perahan. its depend on ourselves. kalo i, i prefer siap2 guna botol, blh siap2 sukat utk dipanaskn oleh pengasuh
5. I guna MAM bottle as its design is suitable for baby to change from mum breast to bottle.
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