register paypal to purchase at


last week, my mood is keep changing, sometimes cold, sometimes happy, oppsss i'm still waras. i think that bcoz of of my pregnancy. morning sickness....what else. my activity for last week, works and learn how to register at i interested to buy things at ebay, therefore either using vcc or paypal. if, there'll be no problem as we can use interbank transferred. that most of the method that are preferred at so, i make some research regarding this topic.

a lots of web are occurred when you search about this, the easiest web to understand is read about others problem and issue related in opening or register for paypal are,, and there's some other web but i forget. conclusion, the main factor that are people considered is we have to put our credit card no to register paypal in order for us to buy at ebay. for sure we will worry. some solution is we also can put the debit card no, or buy other vcc account. but everything involved with money. and for sure when it comes to money, security is the main point.

so, learn a lot from others experience before u make ur decision. everything on yourself. if you are confident, then no worries.


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